Monday, March 24, 2008

Murphy’s Law

Some of our readers don’t like it when FM columnist Rob Bishop gets exasperated by the fitness industry. Those readers should probably skip this blog post.

Thanks to Murphy’s Law, it’s difficult to understand why fitness facilities offer amenities. Why bother going above and beyond when there is so much potential for it to blow up in your face?

Senior Editor Anne McDonnell and I puzzled over this question at the Athletic Business Conference in Orlando, Fla. Some readers stopped at our booth and commented on her article about towel service, and we said it was tough to find the upside to offering that amenity. It seemed like lots of work for little to no return. The readers confessed that the only reason their fitness center had a towel service was because members expected it. And, every good club strives to meet — even exceed — their members’ expectations. Right?

I would like to put it out there that some expectations are, perhaps, better left unmet. Why? Because of Murphy’s Law.

You opened a daycare center? Some kid will bite another kid and you’ll get sued. You invested in a snack bar? One of your members will get food poisoning. You forked over a ton for a fancy locker room? It’ll still get robbed.

Stopping an amenity once you’ve started offering it is a difficult proposition, and not one I’d care to advise any fitness facility on how to do. But I would suggest that, before you start thinking about all of the new extras you can give members, think twice. Three times. Maybe even four.

And then forget about it altogether.

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