Monday, May 19, 2008

A Book to Replace Personal Trainers?

There are countless websites, books and DVDs that purport to offer consumers exercise programs that they can do on their own. One recently published book is even titled Dump Your Trainer. Its marketing slogan says the book is a “simple and fun guide to weight loss and fitness without wasting your money on … personal trainers.” What the slogan should be is, “buy this book, use it once or twice, then realize that you need a trainer to motivate you to work out, to answer your questions about form, frequency, etc., and to change your program every few months to prevent boredom and fitness plateaus.”

Personal trainers can’t be replaced by a book, DVD or website. Even seasoned exercisers can benefit from working with a trainer now and then. Take, for instance, professional athletes — almost all of whom have coaches.

I know I’m preaching to the choir here, but only because fitness centers need to do a better job of promoting why personal training — with a real person — is worth it. Since cost seems to be a main reason why people buy books on training instead of buying actual training sessions, you could outline the cost-savings of working with a real trainer: Save money on clothes by stopping a lifetime of weight fluctuations, save money on healthcare costs associated with being overweight, etc. Be creative, and put a dollar amount on the savings. For example, “Stop buying self-help books and save $24.99 per month.” Or, “You’ll save on that $40 co-pay with fewer doctor visits.”

Personal training is much more than a list of exercises. Motivation, personal relationships and individualized attention are just a few of the benefits of working with a trainer. Emphasize these benefits in your facility, and speak directly to those consumers who think they can save money by buying something that may help them in the short-term, but will do little to promote a lifetime of regular exercise.

1 comment:

Fitness MBA said...

I totally agree. At our customers facilities, we encourage the owners to adopt a free assessment/ session policy every 12 weeks with all members. Not only have my clients found better retention, but revenues from the department have gone up by as much as $60,000 per month.