Monday, February 5, 2007

Freedom of Religion

What's that I hear? Oh. It's another industry expert blathering on about how retention is so important, how keeping members instead of chasing after new ones is the key to success.


Does anyone really believe that? And if they don't, can you blame them?

I blame mixed messages. One minute retention is the be-all and end-all, and the next we hear tales about the 86% of people we're failing to attract. Which is it? Are we supposed to be satisfied with who we've got and work to keep them happy, or keep grabbing for that brass ring (which, I hear, is actually 86% gold)?

Maybe there is no right answer. Maybe this issue is kind of like religion. And, being that this is America, clubs are blessed with freedom of religion.

So, what do you believe? Are you a member of the Church of Retention? Or do you worship the Lord of the 86%?

Maybe the bigger question is: If we all end up in the same place ... does it matter?

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