Monday, February 19, 2007

Germs, Germs are Everywhere!

I am a germ freak. I’m not obsessive (I swear!) but I do wash my hands frequently, and carry disinfectant in my purse. When I work out, I am very aware of where I am putting my hands, and make a point not to touch my face. You may think this is a bit much, but I rarely get sick. And, I am not alone in worrying about all of the germs that fester in fitness centers.

A February 6th article in The San Diego Union-Tribune (San Diego, Calif.) by R.J. Ignelzi highlighted the worst offenders when it comes to spreading germs. Included in the list of doctor’s offices, schools and public restrooms was fitness centers. Ignelzi included the following multiple-choice question:

“Not only is your body getting a workout at the gym, but so is your immune system. Which of the following is a germ heavyweight?

A. Free weights
B. The locker room floor
C. Exercise mats
D. Elliptical trainer
E. All of the above

Answer: E. With everyone sweating and touching the equipment and then their nose and mouth, there is the potential to host germs and bacteria. Because the environment is warm and moist, some viruses and bacteria can live on equipment and floors for weeks.”

Ignelzi’s advice to gym-goers is to be “extra self-conscious,” to wash their hands often, to not touch their mouth, nose or eyes, and to wear flip-flops in the shower and locker room. And, “if you see someone sneezing all over the treadmill you’re waiting to use, head for a piece of equipment on the other side of the room.”

You should be aware of all of the germs surrounding members at your facility, too. Fitness centers should keep daily, weekly and monthly cleaning schedules to keep your members safe, and to help you and your staff stay on task. More specific guidelines for keeping your facility clean and germ free can be found on FM’s website .

And, keep in mind that simply cleaning is different than disinfecting. To prevent the spread of germs, and worse, you need to clean the right way, and using the right products. For more information about how to disinfect your fitness center, read a recent article from FM, written by Guy Brown.

After all, one of the main goals of your fitness facility is to help your members lead healthy lives. What good is a strong body if they keep getting sick while working out?

How do you keep up with your facility's cleaning schedule? Do you have checklists or a program in place?

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