Monday, September 15, 2008

Fit to Lead

Pummeling the presidential candidate you hope will lose? Sweet! Kudos to Washington Sports Clubs staff who came up with a creative way to sweep up its members in election fever! Known as VOTERobics, the circuit training classes are held to patriotic soundtracks, and include moves with coined terms such as “jumping Johns” and “bouncing Baracks.” Participants can even take a swing at their least-favorite candidate whose plastic masks have been attached to the top of a heavy bag.

Fitness should play a role in this election, both in what we’re doing in our facilities and out. Of course, it would be best if our industry could find some way to convince our politicians that more attention needs to be paid to the role of fitness in society, starting from the top. As the obesity problem continues to plague the United States, we need healthy role models now more than ever. Is it so unreasonable to expect, then, that our presidential candidates be fit? Especially as leaders who set an example for our nation’s children, and who serve in a job that is demanding and stressful?

This issue was recently talked about in the article, Health of candidates called a legitimate issue. Over the years, the landscape has been changing. It’s been a long time since we’ve had an obese president (William Howard Taft weighed more than 300 pounds), or one with a serious medical condition. These days, it is expected that candidates release their medical records and tout their fitness regimens to the media so they can prove their fitness for the job. After all, the public has to worry about enough without having to worry about our president-elect keeling over due to some illness caused by an unhealthy lifestyle.

In this election, the 25-year age difference between Obama and McCain clearly plays in Obama’s favor. But, both have strikes against them. McCain has his limitations due to his history of skin cancer and injuries he suffered as a prisoner of war. However, his doctor and campaign staff let it be known that he has a “strong heart” and he participates in light exercise. Obama was a smoker up until 2007, just a year ago, but he now sticks to a strict fitness regimen and is depicted as a jock. In short, they both want to be known as candidates who think fitness is important.

Fitness may not be a major issue in this election, but the fact that it’s being paid attention to more is a positive thing. I’m glad McCain and Obama are taking it seriously. Of course, I still wouldn’t mind taking a smack at … .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One former candidate published a book about the issue:

Quit Digging Your Grave with a Knife and Fork : A 12-Stop Program to End Bad Habits and Begin a Healthy Lifestyle
By Mike Huckabee